SQOTS™.com and also BestDotsofGlue.com are the web pages for the SQOTS™ Clear Square Dots of Glue Range and the Clear Double Sided SQOTS™-Tape; One Side Repositionable.
These SQOTS™ products were developed by Hang Tabs Australia Pty Ltd in conjunction with their manufacturing partners bringing a history of over 30 years in adhesive products and top 500 clients among their references.
Having proven their expertise in successfully developing a range of Hang Tabs and with that range enabling Hang Tabs Australia to obtain significant Australian and Overseas market share in this dedicated area, Hang Tabs Australia was presented with a product “of interest” by their manufacturing partners. That product of interest involved a unique patent pending process of adhesive laydown that formed a uniform height and uniform width clear gel like adhesive.
The closest product to this one on the market appeared to be “dots of glue” – formed by the relatively less controlled process of dripping adhesive onto a carrier and then squashing it flat.
The missions for the SQOTS™ range is to bring the unique properties of this uniformly laid down clear adhesive gel to everyday applications; opening up new possibilities of creativity, marketing and convenience.
Carefully studying the existing retail market we found a relatively flat and unexciting range of round dots of glue that were fiddly at best and poor value offering only small quantities of decent sized Square Dots or large quantities of ridiculously small dots of glue.
After several years of behind the scenes packaging and manufacturing developments the exciting range of SQOTS™ products is now available. Everybody that gets to know the SQOTS™ product loves them, their ease of use and they wonder why they were not available before.
After seeing a small selection of samples the entrepreneurial Mexico Company Gogolasia SA DE CV placed commercial volume orders.
Within 48 hours of recently releasing the social media SQOTS™ youtube channel we had contact from America’s “As Seen on TV” giant Media Corp and we are working through this option now.
In Japan we are in advanced discussions for country distributorship and it is expected other country representatives will quickly come aboard.
Distributor Inquiries Click Here
Ukhangtabs.co.uk is a division of Hang Tabs Australia Pty Ltd , VAT registered in 2009, to service the UK and surrounding European markets for Self Adhesive Hang Tabs. The Director and also the Manager at the time (Both Engineers) had experience with Hang Tabs with previous dealing in two major Overseas Brands of Hang Tabs; Do-It Corporation* and Minigrip*.
*see comments below
It is the Mission of Hang Tabs Australia is to be the world’s expert supplier for Hang Tabs; insuring ethical manufacturing practises and ethical materials are used. We focus extensively on Hang Tabs. With a focus maintained on Hang Tabs, we aim to present as the experts for this product. On occasion there are custom requirements and Hang Tabs Australia has the flexibility and ability to produce custom requirements with confidence and speed.
We carefully monitor the performance of our Hang Tabs and always seek to improve our Hang Tabs performance and range so that they represent the Best Value and Best Performing Hang Tabs in the world.
A very strong focus on our range of Hang Tabs is placed on how easy it is to handle and sub distribute the products. All our clients quickly see the thought behind our product range when they receive their first supply.
Another very strong focus is on customer service and product back up. All clients from small to large have access to the General Manager to answer their queries or concerns.
It is often wrongly argued that items like Hang Tabs are best purchased from a supplier that can also provide a multitude of other products –hence streamlining your companies ordering and paperwork;
A lot Hangs on our Hang Tabs; avoiding the streamlined paperwork approach will insure benefits to your company including ongoing savings, correct tab choice, expertise and Hang Tabs specific product service plus product support – something goes wrong we are there to help!.
Hang Tabs Australia now services Europe via its UK operations and it is soon to start servicing other regions in the world including South Africa and the USA.
*While Do-It Corporation has an extensive and focussed range of Hang Tabs, there appeared to be a willingness of Do-It to use environmentally questionable PVC, which does not match our ethical profile. On the other hand, the Minigrip Range, being a very small part of what Minigrip does, was only using PET for its Hang Tabs, however, as we later found out, the performance of the Hang Tabs was far from impressive.
Our manufacturing partner approached us bringing a history of over 30 years in adhesive products and top 500 clients among their references. They had little experience with Hang Tabs but a superb knowledge of adhesives and an eagerness to become the world’s Best manufacturer of Hang Tabs.
Following the directions of our Manager, a succinct range of Hang Tabs was developed and an exhaustive program of standardised tests began (and continues to this day). Cross reference tests with other brands of Hang Tabs were organised and they insure and prove our hang tabs equal or outperform all other alternatives..
The SQOTS™ range of products, which we describe as dots of glue, square dots of glue, tiles of glue, square self-adhesive dots and other phrases that have the words dots or glue, is not affiliated with or associated with any dots of glue manufacturers, representative, affiliates or websites promoting or selling their products with trademarks or trade names that include or consist of the common phrase description “glue dots”.